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morrissey spent the day in bed review

The ghost of Tomita surrounds the opening keyboard sequence of ‘Spent The Day In Bed’, Morrissey’s brand new single. Lyrically, in the first verse Morrissey celebrates the art of…

★★★★☆ ‘Body Betrays Itself’ is not an anarcha-feminist attack on the global patriarchal order.It is an example of visceral expatriation as means of metaphysical exploration […]

★★★★ this is a song that could fit quite aptly in Ridley Scott’s smoke-rammed, post-apocalyptic vision, snuggling well with the beautiful Vangelis soundtrack that supported it […]

★★★ the usual noisy, fast and up to the point guitar riffs with an actually pretty poppy, soothing singing voice […]

Exploring the subcontinental roster of indie pop with its quirky instrumentation and dewy-eyed imagery, ‘The Snowfalls’ conveys a real sense of ‘reminiscence’- akin to the vintage filters one finds on Instagram […]

If you listen to her impressive discography, is hard to choose in which direction to go. So many different evocative emotions of love and loss, death and life, and the fanciful against the reasonable and mundane. It´s impossible to choose one single track that defines Kate Bush´s soul and pursuit as an artist, but if we enter into utopias, then […]

If you could think in a song that works as a complement of Lou Reed´s Berlin” (1973), there´s no better way to go than Iggy Pop´s reinterpretation of “Only The Lonely” (2012), a song immortalized by Frank Sinatra´s seductive and engaging crooning in 1958, but that in the voice of Iggy Pop boosts in emotion and pain […]

Frank Zappa surely was one of the greatest musicians on the planet. But to hell of it, there are more “greatest musicians ever” than I could ever count, and that will not make a big impression on you. More important, this dude was simply the craziest and most unpredictable, sometimes disturbing dude that the music scene had to offer.